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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

How To Create a Residential Fire Escape Plan

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

Fire damage to wood beams. A fire escape plan is a vital part of home safety.

How to Prepare for a Fire in your Home

A fire escape plan is crucial for keeping your family safe in an emergency, and it happens to be one of the easiest things you can do: all you need to do is draw a map of your home, deciding on exits and meeting places. You don't have to be an artist or a designer to create a useful escape plan; anyone can do it! Here are some tips for creating a fire escape plan that will help keep your family safe.

Planning could save your life.

A fire escape plan is a vital part of home safety. It is a document that outlines the steps you and your family should take in the event of a fire. The plan should be shared with all residents who live in your home, and ideally, it should be reviewed with them once a year. A fire escape plan can be used to prevent injuries or even save lives.

For many people, it may take some time to develop a thorough fire escape plan for their home. However, if you follow these steps, then you'll be able to create one in no time at all!

1) Identify all possible emergencies that could occur at home, such as fires, gas leaks, or floods.

2) Map out two ways out of each room in your house: one for emergencies when there's no time for preparation (such as if you hear smoke alarms going off), and another for situations where you have more time to prepare for what you need.

3) Designate a meet-up place outside of your home where all the residents should go in the event of a fire emergency.

Practice, practice, practice.

The most important part of creating a fire escape plan is practicing it. If you don't practice, your family won't know what to do in an emergency and may lose precious seconds trying to figure it out. This can be especially dangerous if you have young children or pets in your home because they may panic if they feel trapped and confused about where to go.

Practicing your fire escape plan is also important because it will give everyone involved an opportunity to identify any weaknesses in the plan that need addressing before an actual fire occurs. For example, if one person cannot physically get through a doorway due to either injury or physical limitation, the rest of the family should know how to help them get out safely as quickly as possible by using another exit route instead.

Never go back inside a burning building.

It's important to remember that once you've escaped from a burning building, it is never safe to go back inside. The fire can reignite at any time, and if this happens while you're inside your house—even seconds after exiting with what seems like a perfectly intact space—then you may find yourself trapped by flames once again.

A firefighter who has experienced this himself will tell you: "You don't want to go back into an area where there are intense fires still burning." And even if there isn't any active flame in your house when it catches on fire again after escaping, there could be hot embers just waiting for an unsuspecting person or animal who wanders by later.

Plan for emergencies that are more likely to happen.

If you are a renter, who has insurance coverage through their landlord's insurance policy, then your first step is to find out what type of coverage you have. If you rent an apartment from a person renting out their own home, chances are that the landlord's homeowner's policy will cover your belongings and personal property. However, if you rent from an apartment complex or condo association board, it may not provide adequate coverage for any damages caused by fires or other disasters in your building. This is because homeowners' policies typically exclude apartments from coverage. After all, they're considered commercial properties by state law. In these cases where there isn't enough protection available through the owner’s policy, many owners choose to purchase an additional renter’s policy that covers additional losses such as fire damage to personal property.

You can’t predict which emergency is going to happen when. But with a good emergency plan in place, it doesn’t matter. If a fire breaks out in your home, you know what to do and where to go. Make sure everyone in your family knows these steps too—it could save their lives!

Causes of Basement Flooding

11/14/2022 (Permalink)

Causes of Basement Flooding

Whether your basement floods due to heavy rains or a broken hot water tank, it's important to know the cause of the flooding so you can prevent it in the future.

1. Heavy rains

First, heavy rain can cause your gutters to overflow, which can then leak into your basement through the foundation walls. This is especially common if you have a flat roof and are not able to properly clean out the gutters after a storm; the more debris that gets caught in the gutter, the more likely it is to overflow during heavy rains.

Second, heavy rain can increase the rate at which water drains from your roof into your yard. If this happens, it will also drain into your basement through cracks or other holes in the foundation. You may be able to prevent this by installing a proper roof drainage system and keeping trees and shrubs away from your home's perimeter so that they don't block runoff channels.

Third, heavy rain can cause soil erosion around your foundation walls. This can create cracks through which water can flow into your basement and cause flooding issues even when there isn't any leakage from above ground sources like gutters or roofs!

2. Clogged drains

Clogged drains are a common cause of basement flooding. The drain can become clogged with hair, food debris, or other materials that are flushed down the toilet without being properly disposed of. In such cases, water can back up and flood your basement floor. If you have a sump pump installed in your home's drainage system, it may be able to keep up with the flow of water coming into it through the drain—but if your sump pump fails to work properly and quickly enough because it is too small or old (or both), then flooding will occur anyway because there will be nowhere else for all that extra water to go!

What can I do? Check all your drains regularly so that they don't get clogged up; this will help prevent them from becoming blocked by hair or other debris which could lead to an emergency situation. 

3. Broken hot water tank

A broken hot water tank can cause a lot of damage to your basement. Many hot water tanks are located in the basement and are a common cause of flooding when they break or leak. If you have an old, rusty tank, this is a possibility to consider.

Hot water tanks aren't always located in the basement and can be placed anywhere in the house but if there's any chance that yours is near your foundation and could leak or break, it's best to replace it with a new one immediately.

4. Frozen pipes

Frozen pipes can also be the cause of your flooding. The best way to prevent frozen pipes is by making sure that the temperature in your home remains above freezing, if possible. If you have a basement that is unfinished or otherwise not heated, make sure your heat is turned on and working properly. Check that there are no cracks or openings where warm air could escape from your house's walls or floor. You should insulate any exposed pipes with foam insulation tape during winter months to keep them warm and reduce their likelihood of freezing over (especially overnight).

5. Sewer system backup

If you have a sewer backup, it means that the sewer line is clogged and backed up water is coming into your home through the drains. This can cause a lot of damage to your home, so it's important to take care of this problem quickly! The first thing you should do is call a plumber who knows about these issues and can help unclog your pipes. He or she will most likely need to remove the entire drainpipe from under your sink, so plan on being without running water for at least one day while they fix it. 

The best way to prevent basement flooding is to check your sump pump and drainage system and make sure it’s in working order. If you have clear gutters, the rainwater will flow away from your house rather than pooling at the foundation. You should also watch for clogs in drains and pipes so that water doesn’t overflow onto floors or into walls. Finally, be prepared for freezing temperatures by insulating pipes with bubble wrap or wrapping them with towels soaked in warm water before bedtime each night.

What is Content Cleaning After a Fire?

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

After a Fire, What Is Content Cleaning?

No one wants to experience the shock and fear of an unexpected fire incident. At SERVPRO of Colorado Springs Southeast, we understand how devastating it can be to lose everything in your home or business. That's why our team is dedicated to helping you through this difficult time, beginning with a thorough inspection of your property and belongings. You'll find that our cleaning methods and equipment are second-to-none when it comes to restoring content items like furniture, clothing, electronics, and other household goods after they've been damaged by fire or smoke damage.

It's never fun to experience a fire loss incident.

It's never fun to experience a fire loss incident. The damage can range from minor smoke damage to catastrophic structural damage and cause you to lose everything in your home, including sentimental items like photos, treasured heirlooms, and family memorabilia.

One thing that all fire losses have in common is the need for cleaning up after the flames have been put out and the smoke has settled. In almost every single case, the safest and most efficient way to handle a fire cleanup job is by calling your local SERVPRO experts for help. They have the training, experience, and equipment necessary to handle a fire cleanup job of any kind and can go about it safely.

Some belongings can be cleaned and restored

As you deal with the aftermath, remember that your belongings can often be cleaned and restored rather than replaced. For example, if your clothes were in a closet and were protected from fire exposure, then dry cleaning is an option that can remove smoke smell from clothing. Other items may have been affected by smoke or soot but are otherwise salvageable. These items can be cleaned with ultrasonic scrubbers or content cleaning processes at companies like SERVPRO of Colorado Springs Southeast.

Specialized cleaning methods and equipment

When you call SERVPRO of Colorado Springs Southeast, we'll make every effort to restore your belongings using specialized cleaning methods and equipment. We'll work with you to determine the best course of action, provide a written estimate and time frame for completion, and provide a detailed report of the work performed. As a locally owned and operated business in the Colorado Springs area, our team is always nearby and ready to help!

Inspection is the first step in content cleaning

The first step in content cleaning is a thorough inspection by one of our production specialists. We will discuss the condition of each item and make an estimate for cleaning costs. Our experts can also help you decide how to dispose of damaged items or store them until they are ready for use again. We offer pack-out services where our team removes your belongings out of your property and keeps them safely stored away at our warehouse during the restoration process.

We understand how difficult a fire loss can be, and we’re here to help. We don’t just offer cleanings—we also provide an array of services and resources that can help you get back on your feet after a fire loss. And if you need assistance with filing insurance claims or other paperwork, we have an experienced team that will take care of you from start to finish!

How SERVPRO Can Help on your insurance claims

4/28/2022 (Permalink)

Flood Cleanup Colorado Springs SERVPRO to the rescue.

When you call a claim services agent about your business in southern Colorado after a disaster, you want a quick response. You also want to be sure that everything is being done correctly. You're still running a business, so keeping track of the project shouldn't be your job, but whose job is it? Your local SERVPRO franchise is uniquely qualified to help you keep on top of the work that is happening throughout the entire process.

1. Prompt Response in an Emergency

When you think of an emergency response, one of the most crucial aspects is the speed at which you get help. How supported you feel often shapes the entirety of the restoration experience. It's important that the person on the other end of the phone is confident, competent, and considerate, and that whoever comes to your property is prepared and professional. A SERVPRO team has a rigorous documentation process to adhere to that tracks your project from the first phone call.

2. Thorough Claims Inventory Service

The emergency remediation team keeps a record of every single thing that has been damaged and turns it into a detailed, itemized document with photos and descriptions. They can advise you as to whether something can be restored rather than replaced. You get copies of this document, as well as of everything else, throughout the remediation process, and they are also shared directly with your claim services representative.

3. Complete Pretesting Process

A complete pretesting process is undertaken to determine the extent of the damage to your business and to provide an accurate restoration quote before the work begins. This is an important step because it helps both you, the client, and your claim services agent know that you're receiving high-quality work at a fair industry price.
Emergency response doesn't have to be daunting if you choose to work with a company that understands the importance of organization and communication as its professionals help you get back to work.

SERVPRO of SE Colorado Springs

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Servpro of Southeast Colorado Springs. Available 24/7/365.

It has been our pleasure to SERV Colorado Springs in time of emergency for over 20 years. Our team prides itself on providing excellent, professional service to both commercial and residential markets. 

Our mitigation and rebuild divisions are growing so that we can better assist our clients. We are still the insurance claim experts. We can handle your claim from start to finish after any type of disaster. 

We are still the city leader in Emergency Water, Fire, Mold, and Smoke Damage Mitigation. We have certified technicians and crew chiefs with years of experience in the industry, ready to help at a moments notice. Even in the middle of the night.  

Plumbing Bursts

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Flooded House Colorado Springs Damage to wood flooring from plumbing flood.

As we transition to spring in Colorado we are still having cold nights. It is important to remember pipes can still freeze, and when the sun comes up they can still burst. 

Water can damage carpet, carpet pad, wood and vinyl floors, drywall, baseboard, and trim. It can also lead to mold growth if not properly treated. Floods can occur in any room where water is running to or through on any level of any structure. Hose bibs are also quite the culprits during this time of year, so keep those hoses disconnected from the house for a little while longer. 

The bigger the flood the bigger the required solution. No matter how big of a water loss your property incurs SERVPRO is here to help. 

New Fire Restrictions For Colorado Springs

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

New Rules For Colorado Springs Photo Released by Colorado Springs Fire Department.

With a huge decline in moisture from nature this winter and a slow start to the Spring rain season... The city of Colorado Springs has imposed new rules to help keep our dry city free from wildfire.

With the lack of rainfall in recent weeks the Fire Departments of Colorado Springs are also doing active fire mitigation in-between fighting the blazes that have popped up all over our fair city and out East. 

It is important as a community, that we do everything we can to prevent fires. These new rules will only help us be a safer place to raise our families. 

At SERVPRO we pray for the best and prepare for the worst. We train for scenarios that are possible given our current situations. Our team is high caliber and ready at a moments notice. If our community needs us we will be there! 

Wind Storms in Colorado Springs

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Wind Damage Colorado Springs Downed tree collapses roof.

If you've been outside you have noticed we just cant seem to get away from all this wind. It seems every week we have a day where we are reaching high digit speeds and these storms are leaving damage in their wake.

Roofing shingles and asphalt blown all over town, creating leaks in structures in various parts of our territory. Downed trees have penetrated structures causing extensive damage since December. Our crews have been working diligently to assist those in need with repairs and claims. SERVPRO is a preferred provider with most insurance companies and our teams can help you get back into your homes and buildings with life carrying on as normal.    

We Are The Large Loss Experts

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Flooded Hotel Colorado Springs Emergency dispatch after hotel flood.

SERVPRO is known nationwide for its experience in dealing with commercial losses. From mass floods to fires we are the commercial restoration team Colorado Springs needs in time of emergency.

Commercial Mitigation is a trained skill. The science used in residential homes often must be expanded upon in order to properly mitigate. The size of the structure and its layout play a huge part in the planning phase before we attack the problem. Larger equipment and massive teams are often needed to ensure quick and effective mitigation. 

The aim of the commercial structural restorer is to get the business back up and running. Timelines and work scope are critical to be able to stick to the given dates in each loss situation. 

SERVPRO has the time tested skills, equipment, and software to ensure a professional mitigation after any disaster. Our teams can be to yours in minutes in your time of need. 

Sewage Cleanup Colorado Springs

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Sewage Cleanup in Colorado Springs 2 Floor Sewage loss renders home unlivable during cleanup and mitigation.

When you have Bio-Hazardous sewage loss, SERVPRO to the rescue. 

With the best equipment and safety training standards in the industry it is our duty to be safe and thorough when dealing with dangerous contaminants.

Rapid cleanup, removal of affected materials, and chemical and air quality cleaning are just a few of the things that need to be done in order to certify proper mitigation after a sewage loss. 

With years of experience in handling these types of insurance claims, our IICRC Licensed technicians and office staff can walk you through the entire process from the date of the event to the remodeling after. 

No Mess Too Big

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Clean When you need a professional cleanup call SERVPRO.

SERVPRO offers certified cleaning services. Post construction demolition, hoarding, move-outs, and carpet cleaning. No job is too big for SERVPRO. 

We do that too! Our list of services is huge. If you have a problem odds are we have a solution. Call SERVPRO today for a quote on cleaning or debris removal services.